STM Publishing Group Pty Ltd
What we do to help increase the impact of your work
Undertake a number of initiatives to promote papers and make them widely available. We:
1. Publicize selected papers as part of (print and online) subject collections and annual journal highlights collections
2. Highlight particularly interesting work using social media (e.g. Twitter and Facebook)
3. Give journalistic coverage to selected papers on our science news/community websites
4. Press release particularly newsworthy papers
5. Publish and promote authors’ video abstracts
6. Display the number of downloads and citations each article receives, and also Altmetrics such as number of tweets and blog entries, on the journal website
What you can do to promote your article
1. Email people you have referenced in your paper, and other key colleagues in your field, with a link to your paper
2. Use social media to tell people about your work through blogging or through other outlets such as Twitter or Facebook
3. Update your profile on professional and academic networking sites (such as LinkedIn, ResearchGate and Mendeley) with a link to your published article (please do not post the actual published article)
4. Update your institutional/departmental homepage and research group website with a link to your paper
5. Contact your institution’s press office with a summary of your paper and ask for advice about promoting it to the media
6. Write a lay summary of your paper (with a link to the full version) and send to blogs in your subject area
7. Produce a video abstract giving an accessible introduction to your article (this can help to encourage people to read your paper)
8. Use a service like Kudos to help more people find and understand your work
Mention your publication at conferences when giving presentations, and have copies to hand out to colleagues
9. Check major abstracting and indexing services (e.g. Web of Science and Scopus) to make sure that your published paper is listed with correct details
10. Upload your Accepted Manuscript (not the final published version for non-open access articles) to institutional or subject-based repositories, in line with institutional/funder requirements and the publisher embargo period (usually 12 months).